Relationship Goals

Often times I hear people say “couple goals” about most couples because of what they see or saw. I really want to stress on this because these words “relationship goals” have really put a lot of pressure in some relationships and even broken some.

Firstly I want to say there is no strategy in love follow your heart and do what works best for you.Period!

No one ever said you have to look perfect for the gram or sleep on roses or do things you don’t even like just so people can tag your relationship as goals. People really need to understand that because someone went out to the zoo with their partner and took really cute pictures and posted them doesn’t mean you have to go to the zoo too. You might even hate the zoo but just because you want your relationship to be tagged as goals you’re ready to swim in the ocean just to get that repost. Stop putting so much pressure on your relationship and let things flow from a place of love on both sides(I can’t stress this enough). There is nothing like a perfect relationship absolutely nothing. If deep down you know you actually feel like you deserve more and your relationship should be spicier than what it is and your partner isn’t actually working towards making things better it’s up to you to either be patient and accept he/she like that or find someone that matches your energy.

Find out what works best for you and your partner and work from there. It’s okay to admire others but don’t make their relationship a criteria for what yours must be like before you actually have fun.

Published by Stephanie

Nigerian🇳🇬 Christian❣️ Igbo

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